Monday 13 October 2014

Burglar Caught After He had Sex With A Teddy Bear

38-year old man from UK who was identified after he had sex and left semen in a teddy bear he found at the shop he came to steal from.

According to DailyMail, the owner of the shop had arrived to find her shop broken into and contents scattered around outside it. Among the wreckage she found the teddy bear. The teddy bear was then passed to police, who recovered DNA from inside it that matched 38-year-old Paul Mountain. 

 Explaining his action, Paul said he couldn't resist the stuffed toy after breaking into the store. Mountain told police: 'He was coming down off amphetamine and felt an overwhelming need for sexual relief". He pleaded guilty to burglary and was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report. 

See the picture of the Teddy Bear below:

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