Friday 3 October 2014

Secret Of Making $65.00 Per Referral From Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or
more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.

How it Works
By driving customers to sign up at Bluehost Website (, you will receive $65.00 per referral.

You must sign up to become an affiliate at Bluehost. Once your sign up is successful, Bluehost will give you referral link that you will place on your website.

You need a Website for this business.

This business is lucrative. Let say you only manage to send 1000 people to your referral link monthly and if only 8% of them get the hosting account. That is $5200 (N858,000) in 30 days.

What if by the second month, you decide to increase your effort and get 2000 people visiting your referring link and at 8% conversion you make $10,400 (N1,716,000) in 30 days.

How Do You Start Immediately? Read This Section With Care!
As a reader of this report who is interested in this business I have something even special for you. That is if you are very busy and cannot do everything here on your own.

1. I am going to help you set-up a website for you where you would be talking about your free blog installation or website design service. The referral link will be place on it.

2. I would design it, with a unique header and write your sales copy for you. Something basic but unique to only you.

3. I would give you a list of resources that can fetch you at least 1000 people visiting your bluehost referral link every month.

This is a very powerful business! Do this properly and you will never earn below $3200 (over N500,000) every month in affiliate commissions from BlueHost.

For Quotation on Web Design
Send me an email at or send a text message to me at +234 807 196 6685.
We will be glad to design a profitable Website for you at affordable price.

Another lucrative online business is coming soon.

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